About the Community of Practice

We come together across the state of NC to strengthen our practices from shared learning of our work supporting home-based child care (HBCC) providers in our local communities. Despite the critical role they have always and continue to play, HBCC providers have been overlooked and ignored by our early education system for too long, and we aim to change that collectively.

Why Home-Based Child Care?

Home-Based Child Care is serving the majority of children in North Carolina for their early education. NC families rely on this form of care either by choice or necessity. It is estimated that 64% of NC’s children are in license-exempt home-based child care across the state. Amidst the growing conversation about the need to sustain child care, 85% of all closures of child care businesses in NC since February 2020 have been in licensed home-based child care.

We envision

All home-based child care (HBCC) providers, whether licensed or license-exempt, are recognized, valued, and supported as a critical part of our child care system now and into the future.

HBCC providers are fully funded, economically whole, and equipped with the resources and education they desire.

Policies at both the state and local level are equitable, inclusive, and supportive of the care they provide.

Children receive the safe, affirming, affordable, and trusted care they deserve and enter Kindergarten ready to succeed.